Saving the Earth, One Garden at a Time

Composting Workshops

Maintain a healthy composting system

One of the keys to creating bounteous and blooming gardens is producing healthy and balanced soils. There is no better way to improve the quality of your soil than by composting. Talk to us about creating a productive and low odour composting system. Make new soil and improve the quality of your existing soil for greater productivity and vitality. Soils must contain the right balance of nutrients and trace elements in order to support beneficial micro and other organisms. Removing toxic residues from past non-organic gardening practices and restoring your soils after years of soil mismanagement and degradation is vital for the health of your garden and for all who eat from it or play in it.

Composting Workshops: The Process

We Come To You

Our composting workshops are run at our client’s homes at a time and day that suits them. The workshops take approximately ninety minutes. We will supply all of the materials required.

At the conclusion of the short workshop you will have a thorough understanding of the principles of composting and of the practical application of that understanding so that you will be able to build and maintain healthy and functional composting systems in a time efficient manner.

Feedback from our composting workshop clients include many testimonies from proud composters reporting just how well their system is going and telling us about the amazing transformations of their gardens.

Say goodbye to buying plastic bag-fulls of pre-made potting mix and fertilizers. Make your own soil and know the pride and satisfaction from doing so. Put your household food waste to good use. Reduce rubbish, reduce your ecological foot-print and become more self-sufficient.

We offer regular composting workshops in Melbourne for our locally based clientele. Book one today, your garden will love you for it - and planet earth will thank you for it.